Soy Luz

Dancing with the Moon

Everyone is a Moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody” –Mark Twain

I still remember gazing at the Moon every night. Even as a young girl I felt her close to me in every cycle in my journey. There was the songs I learned at a very young age, the poems I wrote to her and the stories I used to tell her. So many names have been used to label her beauty and presence through the ages of existence. The Greeks called her Selene, the Romans called her Diana and the old Shamans from the Andes call her Mama Quilla. The Moon is perhaps the greatest  confidant humankind has ever known, with her waxing, waning, unwavering company our Moon has escorted us through thousands of years. And just like a granny, the Moon has affected every living being in our planet. Birds migrate in accordance to moonlight, the tides of the ocean rise and fall flowing with lunar wisdom. Every one of her phases affect our psyches and behavior either we notice it or not. Farmers and sailors have used lunar wisdom to guide their day to day life. She is their compass on when to start planting the new seeds or when to sail the mighty oceans. Each one of her faces provide us with a framework for when it’s best to rest, plan, take action or let go. She is the divine compass that combined with the energy of the zodiac signs frame our existence. 

It is not a choice to dance with the Moon. In order to step into Harmony with our Divine Mother, with our planet, we need to flow through the lunar rhythm and realize we are children of the Moon as well. 



The beginning of the lunar cycle, the Moon is at her darkest. The New Moon invites us to look within us. Time to rest and plan, to reflect on the those things that do not belong to us anymore. 


The light starts rising up within her. Time to set our plan in motion, great creative power as this is a safe space for us to try our new things and ideas.


The seeds of our intention are taking form. Great time for trial and error as we are getting feedback and framing our destiny. We are gaining momentum in every step we take.


Time to practice our resilience. We are being tested as we are feeling more capable to overcome any obstacle. Flow with Grace.


The Full Moon symbolizes the fruition of our efforts and inner work. Great time to allow ourselves to celebrate who we are and what we have done. Celebrate with a ritual surrounded by those that dance the same tune as you. 


Time to surrender, release, and prioritize our inner peace. We may need to tye up any loose ends in our projects letting go of those aspects that do not serve us well. 


Time to reflect on the path walked throughout the previous phases. No space for blaming or judging just observing who we are and the lessons that have brought us here to this exact moment.


Stepping into our darkness, this is the time to prioritize our rest. Time to treat ourselves with kindness and nurturing our bodies in all the levels. We are preparing for the full rest and embrace of our own dark Moon.

Dance, Moonchild, Dance!  

Luz Freites
