Soy Luz

"Somos Medicina the Journey" Awakening your inner alchemist

Embark with us on this inner journey into the land of magical realism, where you ought to witness enchantment firsthand the magic to believe it! Join us in the Heart of the World, where the Caribbean Sea meets the exotic mystery of the Jungle and snow-capped mountains of the Sierra Nevada in Santa Marta, Colombia.

As you sign up for this unique journey, you not only set your intention to reconnect with your essence, you will unplug from the tasteless monotonous routine and fill the vessel of your body with the best medicine — your own!


Date: December 16 – 22  2024

Where? Gitana del Mar Beach Resort in Santa Marta, Colombia


Women's Circle

A day to awaken the goddess in us… to embark on the magical inner journey that heals us! A safe & sacred circle for women to come together and embrace each other 💕

Dates: August 24, 2024

Where: Hawk’s Nest Healing Gardens

1205 N Mineral Springs Rd Durham, NC 27703

