Soy Luz

Dancing with the Moon

Dancing with the Moon “Everyone is a Moon, and has a dark side which he never shows to anybody” –Mark Twain I still remember gazing at the Moon every night. Even as a young girl I felt her close to me in every cycle in my journey. There was the songs I learned at a … Leer más

What are the health benefits of Yoga?

What are the health benefits of yoga? What is Yoga? Do I really need to practice Yoga? “YOGA is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self” –The Bhagavad Gita The word Yoga literally means “union” or “to merge”. Rooted in Indian philosophy, Yoga is an expression of who we are meant … Leer más

The Power of our Breath

The power of our breath   Our breath is our PRANA, our vital force that keeps us alive. Prana is an ancient concept so powerful yet so subtle that it forms the very essence of our being. Prana is the life force that sustains all living beings, it is inside us and all around us. … Leer más
